What we believe
We are a Christian Church
We believe in one God who has revealed himself supremely through his Son, the Lord Jesus. To know God the Father, we must put our trust in his Son and his death for our sins. The chief work of God the Holy Spirit is to draw people to faith in Christ, equip them to serve him, and make them fruitful followers of Christ in the world.
We are an Evangelical Church
We believe that the Bible is God’s word and is therefore our authority in all matters of faith and conduct. In all our activities we seek to listen to and obey God’s word in Scripture. We also aim to proclaim the Bible’s wonderful message of salvation through Christ to as many people as possible.
We are an Anglican Church
We stand in the tradition of the Anglican Reformers of the 16th Century, affirming with them the great truths which were rediscovered at the time of the Reformation, such as the sovereignty of God in salvation, justification by faith alone, and salvation in Christ alone. All Christians from any denomination are warmly welcome with us. We unite in Christ and not under any one denominational banner.
As an evangelical church within the Church of England and located in the Diocese of Exeter, we believe in the absolute authority of the Bible in all matters of faith and conduct. We believe in the necessity of repentance and personal faith in the substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and the new birth.