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WHO do we want to BE

WHAT we want to DO

VALUES and VISION for St Peter’s North Tawton


We believe that God has brought us together as his family to delight in God our Father; displaying the glory of Jesus in the power of the Spirit, through word and service, to the people of North Tawton and beyond.


We understand our context to be that we are an Anglican Parish Church in a small rural market town. We realise that our context presents great opportunities for gospel growth, but also some restrictions.


VALUES: WHO we want to BE...


By grace, through faith, we are prayerfully committed to BEING a family who...


1.    Live our lives founded on the whole of God’s word

2.    Live and proclaim the gospel of God’s love and our repentance

3.    Love one another and our neighbours with compassion

4.    Function together as a body using the gifts of the Spirit, and growing in Christ-like fruitfulness.


VISION: WHAT we want to DO...


By grace, through faith, we are prayerfully committed to DOING God's will by...


1.    Equipping the whole church to serve God with passion

       Sunday teaching, Mid-week courses, Homegroups, worship band


2.    Nurturing the whole church to grow in Christ

       Sunday Club (Children), Homegroups, Men’s/Women’s Groups, Thirsty (Youth)


3.    Caring for one another and those in the community

       Prayer Team, Tuesday Chat, Little Fishes


4.    Reaching out in word and deed with the gospel

       St Peter’s Troupers (Joseph, Oliver! etc), Okehampton Food Bank and Street 

       Pastors, Alpha, Christianity Explored.


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