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Here you will find information about our weekly church services.
As a vibrant, growing church in rural Devon, we are passionate about providing worship services that are engaging, bible-focused and relevant to those who attend. At North Tawton, we have a large number of musicians who's aim is to help our congregation draw closer to God through song - both contemporary and traditional.
Alongside the majority of our services, we run Sunday Clubs for children and youth, providing age appropriate bible teaching so that they can understand more fully the love of Jesus and what it means and looks like to follow Him. More information can be found on the 'Children and Youth' page.
Our Monthly Services
(Subject to change depending on church festivals)
Services start at 11am and aim to finish at 12:15pm
1st Sunday - Morning Worship
(with worship band and Sunday Clubs)
2nd Sunday - Informal Communion
(with worship band and Sunday Clubs)
3rd Sunday - Family Service (all-age)
(with worship band)
4th Sunday -
9:30am-10am - Toast Church
11am - Trad. Communion
(with organ and Sunday Clubs)
5th Sunday - Worship Service or One Offs
(with worship band)
Please click the button below to be directed to a selection of talks from services over the last year.
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