May sees the eighth year of Thy Kingdom Come a worldwide season of prayer which lasts from 18th May to 28th May. All around the world, across many denominations, people will be praying for God to be at work to build his kingdom and for more people to come to know Jesus. In Thy Kingdom Come we are praying for God’s Kingdom to come on earth as in heaven, just as we pray in the Lord’s prayer. In particular we are praying that God’s Holy Spirit would be at work in us, in the church and the world to draw people to Jesus—growing in faith and finding faith for the first time! Thy Kingdom Come takes place between our celebrations of Jesus returning to the Father (on Ascension Day) and Pentecost, when God sent his Holy Spirit upon the church to equip them for their mission.
We are encouraging everyone to join in. There are copies of Thy Kingdom Come’s “Novena” available for free at the back of church, which are daily reflections for during Thy Kingdom Come. We also are encouraging everyone to pray for five of their friends and family each day through Thy Kingdom Come for them to come to know Jesus for themselves. And in the run up to Thy Kingdom Come we invite you to join us each week in May to pray in the church at 9am on Wednesday morning for 20 minutes or so for the work of God among our church and community.
Do check out the Thy Kingdom Come for many more resources and ideas as to how you might pray.