Children's Activities
The Christian faith is not just for adults. We see the family as the primary place for the nurture of children in the faith but we want to support parents by providing worship, teaching and fellowship for children and youth.

Sunday Club for children runs every Sunday within our morning service apart from the third Sunday of the month when the whole church family worships together in our all-age Family Service.
There are two Sunday Club groups – one for children aged 0-5 years and one for 6-10 year olds. At St Peter’s we are committed to being a church that welcomes small children and provides for them, and it has been encouraging to hear the children start to talk more confidently about the gospel.
The children return to the main church for the distribution of the bread and wine during communion services.
Sunday Club Display - What we've been learning
As part of the gradual refresh of advertising (and at some point, website), we now have a Sunday Club noticeboard in the Mortimer Room displaying the most recent series we've been working through over the last term and a bit. I think it's important to share these things with the wider congregation and therefore hope to continue this trend moving forward - Please do have a look when you're next in church.
All volunteers running children’s activities are DBS checked and subject to our safeguarding policy.